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KCNS Law Group LLP

Workers’ Compensation

  • Published: March 25, 2021

Being injured at work is frightening. One minute you’re up on a ladder and putting away boxes of stock and the next minute you’re lying on your back with a pain like you’ve never felt before. You may have even been doing something as simple as walking into the break room when you suddenly slipped on a wet area of…Read More

  • Published: March 18, 2021

The rising costs of the COVID-19 pandemic have been higher than anticipated. In many places across the country, including California, families are still dealing with the spread of the deadly virus and are counting the days until they can obtain their dose of the vaccine. The pandemic has taken a toll on many of us, but frontline workers and essential…Read More

  • Published: March 4, 2021

When many people think of PTSD, they often correlate the disorder with veterans of combat or war. There is a common misconception that only those who were enlisted and fought in the military can have PTSD, but this is far from the case. PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disoder, is a psychiatric disorder that is caused by any traumatic event such…Read More

  • Published: February 24, 2021

Getting hurt on the job can happen to anyone. Regardless of what industry you are in, it’s possible to suffer a serious injury while at work that changes your overall quality of life. Injured workers in California looking for disability benefits should know their rights and what they are entitled to after they experience an accident. Depending on the severity…Read More

  • Published: February 17, 2021

The workers’ compensation system in California can be very confusing. For people who have not had to deal with it before, the process of filing a claim after they experience an injury on the job can seem daunting. There are many details to keep track of and important deadlines to observe. Some paperwork must be filed immediately after an injury,…Read More

  • Published: February 10, 2021

It is fairly common for an injured worker’s benefits to run out before they expect it. There are several reasons why this can happen, and even though it may be devastating, there are some things that you should do if your workers’ compensation benefits have run out before medical treatment has been completed. One of the most challenging aspects of…Read More

  • Published: September 22, 2017

The bills are piling up. Debt collectors are calling. You and your spouse are constantly on edge. You didn’t ask to be hurt on the job. You work hard–always have–and you give 110 percent to your job. So why is it you are taking the financial hit for a workplace injury? The article below explains the legal options you may…Read More

  • Published: January 26, 2017

Thousands of workers around the country walk into danger every day of their lives. Some workers breathe in toxic airborne particles during their 8 to 4 job and may not even know it. One of these common airborne dangers called beryllium has recently been brought into the spotlight. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a rule earlier this…Read More

  • Published: January 10, 2017

When you hear people discussing Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, you may think their conversation relates to military veterans. However, if you have suffered a traumatic injury at work — or witnessed a tragedy involving co-workers — you might also be a victim of PTSD. Treatment can be costly and lengthy, and you may be relieved to know that workers’ compensation insurance…Read More

  • Published: December 23, 2016

If you have suffered a permanent disability on the job in California, or you have been grief stricken by the sudden loss of an immediate family member under such circumstances, you may be wondering what is best regarding trying to get the financial help you need in recovery. If your loved one died in a workplace accident, there is obviously…Read More

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