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KCNS Law Group LLP

Workers’ Compensation

  • Published: September 20, 2022

Social media continues to be an important part of everyday life, but you might wonder if these sites are a hindrance when you’re filling out an application for workers’ compensation benefits. Are these sites helpful in your situation? Or could this information have negative consequences on your claim?  Because each state is different in its response to workers’ compensation claims…Read More

  • Published: September 10, 2022

In the event that a worker is injured during the course of their workday, they are entitled to file for workers' compensation benefits. However, the process of doing so can be complicated and take time to resolve. In California, workers' compensation claims follow a certain procedure in order to streamline the process and determine appropriate benefits as efficiently as possible.…Read More

  • Published: September 5, 2022

When someone is injured on the job or in a personal accident, they may be eligible for workers' compensation or personal injury benefits. Although both types of claims can be a financial help for those who need it, there are some key differences between them that are important to note. Both workers’ comp and personal injury claims can provide money…Read More

  • Published: August 6, 2022

Many people submit short-term and long-term disability claims independently without consulting or hiring an attorney to assist them. However, Disability Benefits Help recommends hiring an attorney to assist you throughout the entire process. Social Security Disability is an essential resource for many people who are unable to work because of their disability. Unfortunately, the application process for SSD is complicated,…Read More

  • Published: July 21, 2022

If you’re injured on the job and your employer has the means to protect you, you may have the right to file for workers’ compensation. Some employees, however, are reluctant to take advantage of the recovery funds their employers may have at their disposal. Concerns about future employability can drive injured parties to pay their bills alone. California employers cannot…Read More

  • Published: July 15, 2022

While every workplace in California is required to be up to OSHA standards, there is still a chance you may fall victim to an accident. If you want to get ahead of workplace injuries, you can learn more about the common causes of workplace injuries in the Golden State. You do have legal options if you fall victim to a…Read More

  • Published: July 10, 2022

In an ideal world, you’ll never have to fear discrimination in a job interview. Unfortunately, some employers actively prevent certain individuals of different races, genders, sexualities, and ability from working for them. Other employers may not be aware of their discrimination, even as they engage in it. While some forms of interview discrimination may be obvious, others may slip past…Read More

  • Published: July 5, 2022

Toeing the line between disclosing information about your private life and being honest about a disability can be challenging, particularly when you’re pursuing a job. There are some cases in which it may behoove you to disclose that you have a disability. In other situations, you may prefer to keep this knowledge to yourself. What specific elements should you consider…Read More

  • Published: June 20, 2022

Every employee deserves to feel safe when they walk into work each day. Unfortunately, even in work environments like office buildings that are seemingly safe, injuries may still occur. While most people assume that employees may only suffer physical injuries, it is just as common for workers to suffer emotional injuries while on the job. While the emotional injuries suffered…Read More

  • Published: June 4, 2022

For some workers, the thought of going into work can certainly make them feel sick. However, for certain employees, their job could actually be causing them to develop a work-related illness. If you have been feeling unwell, it is crucial that you are aware of the signs that you may be developing an illness related to your job. The trusted…Read More

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