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The Ways That Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Can Change an Employee’s Life

  • Published: February 4, 2023

No matter where you work, it is possible to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. While it can be treated, a condition like carpal tunnel syndrome can significantly impact an employee’s life. In fact, severe cases can stop people from working entirely.

If you are experiencing problems with carpal tunnel, seek medical attention. Then, seek legal assistance to determine your options for addressing the financial costs of your injury. KCNS Law Group is one of many law firms that can offer assistance. Here is what you need to know about carpal tunnel: 

7 Ways Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Can Affect Your Job and Life

Carpal tunnel syndrome, or CTS, is a disorder in which an essential nerve running through your wrist is pinched or otherwise pressured. Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause numbness, weakness, tingling, or pain throughout the forearm, wrist, and hand. Below are some ways in which this syndrome can affect your everyday tasks. 

1. Loss of Grip Strength and Dexterity 

Loss of grip strength and dexterity is a major problem for many employees. It can cause serious problems in the employee’s life, affecting their ability to perform their job effectively. Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common causes of this issue, and it can be painful and debilitating.

Employers must understand that decreased grip strength or dexterity can significantly affect an employee’s work performance, so it is essential to provide suitable measures to help them manage the condition. This may include taking regular breaks, using ergonomic tools and equipment, or providing support to access medical treatment if needed. 

2. Reduced Ability to Perform Everyday Tasks

Carpal tunnel syndrome can significantly impact an employee’s life, causing a reduced ability to perform everyday tasks with ease. This condition also affects a person’s sleep quality and can lead to depression. As a result, an employee with carpal tunnel syndrome will often feel unable to perform their job duties effectively. 

3. Difficulty Typing or Using a Computer Mouse for Long Periods of Time

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common affliction among those who use computers and other electronic devices for extended periods. It causes difficulty in typing or using a computer mouse, leading to pain and tingling sensations in the wrists and hands. This can seriously impact an employee’s life, as it not only limits their ability to work but also affects their quality of life outside of work.

One can manage the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome through lifestyle changes such as taking regular breaks or using ergonomic keyboards and mice that reduce strain on the hands. 

4. Increased Risk of Injury in the Workplace 

If left untreated, carpal tunnel syndrome can permanently damage tendons, muscles, and nerves, which can cause further injury in the workplace. To reduce risks associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, employers should ensure their employees take regular breaks from their workstations and give proper instructions on how to use their tools. Taking preventative measures such as these will help minimize the risk of injury for all employees.

5. Difficulty Performing Job Duties With Accuracy and Efficiency

As this condition progresses, it can make it increasingly difficult for an employee to perform their duties with accuracy and efficiency. Symptoms include tingling, burning sensations, weak grip strength, and difficulty manipulating small objects. If left untreated, carpal tunnel syndrome can permanently damage the hands and wrists. 

6. Difficulty Meeting Performance Expectations Due to Physical Limitations 

Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause difficulty meeting performance expectations due to physical limitations. Working with computers can also exacerbate carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. As such, employees suffering from this condition may not be able to meet some performance expectations due to their physical limitations. This could include typing speed, accuracy, or other job-related activities that require manual dexterity. 

7. Extended Leave From Work Due to Pain or Discomfort

It can also have a major impact on an employee’s life, causing them to take extended leave from work due to the pain and discomfort it causes. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to relieve pressure on the median nerve. 

Contact a California Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Today

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of many conditions that can develop over time. If it does, your employer may be liable for your injuries. This means that you may be owed compensation. 

To know for sure, you’ll need the assistance of a lawyer that is well-versed in workplace injury law. Fortunately, KCNS Law Group can help handle your case. Contact us online or call us at (818) 937-9255 for a more comprehensive case review.

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